
Monday, May 23, 2011

Cool Tools

    No sorry this isn't in relation to DIY network's show Cool Tools.. (That is an awesome show though..) Instead I'm going to share a cool way to share the Gospel..

    This weekend my preacher took an example out of the Bible about talking to be overheard. That some conversations we have with our friends should be meant to be overheard. (John 9:35-41) What an easy way to spread the Word of God, just talk about Jesus with a friend loud enough the people beside you can hear ya'll talking. However, why this is a great tool to help witness for Jesus, make sure you don't scare people away.. Try to stick with topics about how He saved us from eternity in Hell. Retelling an Old Testament battle scene Bible story might just sound like the latest action movie... Or .. Maybe that's not such a bad idea either... Everyone wants to know the cool new movies.. When they have eavesdropped to the point they can no longer go without knowing what cool new action movie you're discussing, just tell them that it's actually a best-seller book you are talking about. A book called The Bible!

  The next time you're at dinner with your spouse or lunch with a friend try it out, it could mean the difference in someone's eternity in Heaven instead of Hell.

Have you ever shared the Gospel in a restraunt? How did it go?

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